Transformation And Miracles With Jyoti
My Dearest One,
I am with you. Now. Right where you are...
Even though I am physically on the other side of the world.
I felt you calling out from your Heart...The Heart that Knows beyond our mind...
The Heart that is our Oneness.
I am with you in this time of change, as I know you would be with me...
If you knew what I was going through.
May you know how completely Loved You are, how completely worthy You are, no matter how alone you may have felt, regardless of any perceptions you or anyone has ever held about you, regardless of any mistakes you feel you have ever made...
I know Your Preciousness. I see Who You Really Are...YOU are a Miracle!
I see You - You are magnificent! The most beautiful creation ever imagined - Your worth and value are so far beyond what our eyes can see, so far beyond what our ears can hear...You are the Glorious Perfection of YOU! Just by breathing You are adding your Essence of Love to the entire Universe...
Please do not fear. Your strength lives in your Love, showing up through you - no matter what.
There is something beyond this...something Magical...something that will help so many people re-member Who They Are, which is part of your larger Purpose for BEing here now, and participating in these events. I am so sorry for all that you have had to release, so shockingly.
Some will say these earth changes are created by dark forces (which may be true in many ways), some may say you "deserve" this - bless these people - for they do not Know You. They cannot possibly see YOU for Who You Are. I do! You do too! You Know You, as I do!
The only hope we have on this planet is to Love. And that means Love anyway, no matter what is happening...because Love is Who You Are. When you open to Love, you are simply BEing Who You Are. Who you are matters! Your Love opens, heals, empowers, expands, radiates, and creates new possibilities, MIRACLES, and potentials for all...
Pausing... in full acknowledgment, acceptance, and surrender into the reality of what has already occurred... knowing also that all of us exist in Infinity. And, by the Grace of LOVE - we can re-build our Lives from a new foundation... more happily, more joyfully, more aligned, more of all the ways our Heart has longed to Live - regardless of the diagnosis, prognosis, fears, projections, or even current "reality." We can change things through our Love. (Even Quantum Physics tells us so!)
It matters not what caused or created this, there is no one / nothing to blame ultimately. Keep your Self connected, do not buy into the blaming and fear game when the Truth comes out about this event, and many events in our world - as that only gives our power away. We are now looking into the obvious, we can clearly see the corruption of our world. This reveals to us the Truth of how far some of our Brothers and Sisters have strayed from their Purpose, their Love and their True Power. This is not You! Do not allow your Heart to be corrupted by their lack. YOU are in charge of YOU and the Perfection of Your BEIng is already complete. You are already a most advanced BEing upon this planet - or you would not have participated in this event of world-significance, for us all.
You are so courageous - so amazingly powerful - to endure all that you have already. I celebrate YOU in your Strength. I can feel it.
I know it may feel hopeless at times for you. I want you to Know that beyond this experience - LIFE is FILLED with Hope, Glowing with potential, Miracles are happening right now, even in the midst of this. Miracles beyond your wildest imaginings are happening and will continue infinitely...I am here to assure that You receive them, to the best of my ability!
I now Ignite the Flame of Love for You to see and feel your way through with ease, grace, joy and clarity. As your Light shines, others are warmed in your glow...and their light begins to shine...and their light sparks the flame in all they touch, and so it grows.
I humbly send you my Love and my Support.
I am here to assist you in every way that I can, without fear.
I am willing to look in to your eyes and
Fully acknowledge with You all that you face, all that is before you now.
As I am also willing to KNOW for You the perfection of something
Larger that all of this is unfolding from within.
There is something larger holding us all together...this our Heart knows.
My Heart also goes out to all of our children! All of our children who have been displaced, who have lost their blood families...I am here to serve in any way I can! I want to provide safety, care, and LOVE in the physical, in this human form! I have no idea how to do this in the physical - yet, my heart is calling me to say this right now - and we can come together with resources to DO this together! I am open to your inspirations.
You see, my family - your suffering is not separate from me - as you suffer, I do too...all the while I hold the space of LOVE that can free us all from this suffering...forever. This is where we are in our human evolution.
We are ready...yet, it can only happen if we expand OUR LOVE.
Love is the most POWERFUL TECHNOLOGY upon this planet - it is more powerful than earthquakes, tsunamis, radiation poisoning, nuclear warfare, the structures of control, government, political corruption, etc...You name it...LOVE is still way more powerful! And as we align in our Love it will create Beautiful expansive potentials.
Now-the Truth is emerging. Daily, hourly, moment by moment, the Truth shall be revealed in the Hearts and Minds of us all - and a NEW MIRACLE is emerging that is supporting us in Transforming our entire world and in the creation of NEW structures that allow Love and well-being, and vibrancy to grow, naturally. It is time we take our power back!
ALL the old structures WILL FALL...completely. It is beginning now.
Let go my dearest one. Let go of the way things have been...there is something more sustainable we are to create together. Let go with joy and gratitude...all the structures of our lives - all the basic structures that we have blindly relied upon for communication, education, medicine, commerce, money, business, health-care, food and nutrition, government, utilities, water...flow with the changes...from your Heart.
The Heart has access to a Higher Wisdom, a higher Vision that powerfully guides You, and me, and all of us every day. We are counting on YOU and your ability to follow the guidance of your heart, in the solutions that are presented through YOU. Do you see how important you are? DO you see how Powerful you Are? Just by breathing.
I humbly offer my support from my heart, bowing in reverence to You.
I freely offer you all that I have to give. You matter to you are sustained now and how and that you recover from these events matters to me! You are so very important to me!
Here is my commitment to YOU -
Even if the rest of the world forgets, denies, or turns away...
I remain here to support you...
Every single day from here forward, for as long as necessary -
1. I offer You "Jyoti Infusions @444" (Jyoti means Light) which are Re-connecting, Harmonic, Coherent High Vibrational Frequencies of Light and Love, and holographic patterns of Potentials, Possibilities and Support that align You with your Love two times per day at 4:44 and 04:44 Tokyo time. You receive the benefits of these Jyoti INfusions no matter where you are or what you are doing. They are delivered to you exactly where you are, offered in reverence, support, and celebration of You.
In "Jyoti Infusions @444" You may experience many things, or you may not feel much. Know that no matter what you experience, you are receiving exactly what you need, at a level that may be beyond what your conscious mind can understand or process.. Many report feeling conscious expansion, love, warmth, a feeling of peace and harmony, comfort in the body, awareness and INfusions of Miracles, sustenance, support, Re-Membering Who You Are, deep inner strength, and an awakening of your unique and very important Purpose for BEing on this planet now.
If you wish you may join together with others and feel this immersion of Love, or you may receive it silently alone. You do not need to be doing anything special in order to receive this energy, as it is delivered through a higher than conscious part of you that cannot be measured or understood by the conscious mind. All you need do is intend to receive it. (this is actually what I do full-time to support my family and fulfill my Heart for people all around the world)
The 4:44 and 04:44 "Jyoti Infusions" will be delivered to YOU every day without fail, no matter where you are or what you are doing, even if you cannot be silent and still with your heart.
2. Daily INfusion Healing...I also want to offer you an on-going monthly subscription my Daily INfusion Healing program - which is a field of broadcast supportive frequencies that you receive the benefit of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - just by subscribing. Daily Infusion Healing was created (on 10-10-10) to support you emotionally, assisting you to access Higher Awareness and Choice in each moment that life presents a challenge to you, as well as cellular cleansing of trauma and cellular renewal...every day. It also gives you an energy boost, and an infusion of positive happy energy.
Say yes and receive below.
In Unconditional LOVE, and service of YOU,
**For those of us who are in other parts of the world, not undergoing crisis, and for those who can gift and support the work of Jyoti - please enroll in these programs through the PayPal button on the respective pages. Jyoti welcomes your support in order to continue her service to us, while still among us. You can make a difference in her life too! All support you offer to her is exponentially Blessed and returned into your life with Multiplied Abundance, Gratitude, and Love. A Thank You from the Heart.
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